Hello! My name is Jade Lui, my table name is Triclops Rabbit (formerly Owlapin).
I sell a variety of digital print products, including prints, body pillow cases, face masks, enamel pins and keychains. In addition I am branching out into plushie design, as well as handmade dice sets. My artwork focuses on animals and fantasy; I try to keep an even mixture of original and fan art.
I have been attending conventions full-time since 2017. Some notable conventions I have vended at include Magfest, Katsucon, Animazement, Anthrocon, Midwest Furfest, Furry Weekend Altanta, and more.
Merchandise Examples
Dragon Plushies!
Handmade Dice Set
Handmade Dice Set
Wall Scroll
Wall Scroll
Enamel Pins
Enamel Pins
Enamel Pins
Photo Holder Keychains
Body Pillow Case Design
Body Pillow Case Design
Eeeveelution Keychains